How do users perceive push notifications?


If you have got a website or an app you might have considered using push notifications due to their potential value in your marketing strategy. Users show a 190% higher retention rate when they receive push messages in the first 90 days. 

Does your customer engagement strategy include the smart usage of push messages to make sure your users stay on your website or app.? However, most users consider push notifications as spammy messages with a high potential for ignorance. 

While push notification has dramatic effects on your website’s ability to engage users, you must consider how your customers really feel about push notifications. 

Most surveys point out the fact that over 50% of users find push notifications annoying. The main reason for this attitude is the lack of personalization. Most businesses don’t pay enough attention when crafting push notifications resulting in push messages being general messages rather than personalized messages. 

In this blog, let’s explore a bit deeper on how users perceive push notifications. 

What do your users feel about push notifications?

When it comes to how users feel about push messages. there are two sides to the coin. While some 50% of users feel push messages annoying, the rest find push notifications helpful. People find push notifications from brands helpful either because the messages are about things that invoke their interest. 

After all, the content offers valuable information. So the trick in is making sure about the relevancy of push notifications and are helpful to users in some or the other way. The very first step is to stop considering push messages as an extension of email. Use push notifications as a separate entity and offer personalization to engage your users. 

Tips to create push notification that your customers won’t be able to ignore

Unlike emails and other marketing techniques, push messages are permission-based services. As with any permission-based marketing tools, it is critical to respect the privacy of your users and leverage your messages wisely. 

Your customers can even turn off your notifications if you misuse or do not use the opportunity the right way. But when implemented with proper planning, push messages can help build valuable and trusted connections between your customers and your brand. 

Here are some effective tips on creating compelling browser push notifications your customers won’t be able to ignore. 

Know what your audience needs

With any type of business communication, it is important to understand who your target audience is and what they want. Only if you have a clear understanding of their real requirements, you will be able to tailor your offerings and determine what type of push messages they are most likely to respond to.

Instead, there is no point in sending random push messages your customers won’t even be interested in. If you miss out on this aspect, you won’t be able to effectively communicate your offers and sales via push notifications to your customers. 

Get to know why your customers have opted to subscribe to your push messages and that they are interested in hearing from your brand. While they might be interested in sales notifications, they would get frustrated if that is all you send to them. 

Make sure you send an interesting piece of information or an informational service that will likely prove more valuable. 

Know when your audience wants to receive your push notifications

The next important aspect you need to pay importance to when sending out push messages to our customers is the best timing to reach out to them. Push messages sent at the wrong or inappropriate timings will go unnoticed and might even annoy your customers and possibly lead to them unsubscribing to your notifications. 

When sending push notifications, make sure you schedule start and end dates and establish specific times relative to the local time zone of your customer base. This becomes really important if you have a diverse customer base spread across the globe. 

Do some research to understand when your customers are most likely to be active and respond to your messages.

Personalization is the key to success

Personalizing your push notifications is really important as we discussed earlier. When you communicate with your customers through push messages that are exclusively sent to them, it becomes a very personal thing. It is a valuable opportunity to communicate directly with them, by instantly grabbing their attention. 

Do you think sending general messages will help you to catch the attention of your users? Customers have to be treated with priority especially during communication with a brand. Hence, taking the time to add a level of personalization to your messages can make a significant difference in your response and engagement rates. 

Personalization of your push notifications is not just about addressing your customers by their name. What you must be focusing on is customizing the message. 

Segmenting your user with the data you have is great to reach the specific sections of your customers with messages relatable to them. When they click on the link you provide in your messages, take them to the pages they visit often and show them the deals most relevant to them.

Understand the engagement

If you are not utilizing the analytics data, you are not doing it right. If you are sending the same push notifications again and again to all your users, that would result in poor response and engagement. 

Using data analytics, you can check the user activity and actions in response to your push messages. Based on the data you get through analytics; you can fine tune your messages to optimize the results. Test different types of messages by sending them at different times to find what works great for your customers. 

Monitor what works for your competitors as well to understand the needs of your target audience if you share the same audience. The only way you can accurately measure the performance of your push notifications is through your analytics. 

Determine what is working well and improve wherever you can. It is recommended to use a push notification service to unleash the limitless possibilities of push messages to the fullest capacity. 

Pushmaze is one such powerful self-hosted web push notification service with which you can increase your reach and CTR’s effectively.

Don’t overdo it

As a business focusing on marketing activities, it is quite natural to overdo something that works great. If you find your push notifications reaping great results, there can be a tendency to use the same strategy again and again. 

However, no matter how great your push messages are, you must make sure you don’t overdo it. Nothing will push your customers away than overdoing the act of sending notifications. Notification tolerance differs among different types of websites and apps and with individual users. To understand the right threshold, you need to test your push notifications. 


Push notifications offer a heap of opportunity in reaching out and directly connect with your customers. However, you need to craft and send out push notifications the right way to maximize their effect. The most significant thing when sending your push notifications in a way it appeals to your customers instead of what you want to tell them. 

Again, it is important to gather the appropriate user data so you can tailor the timing of your notifications when your customers appear to be more active and likely to engage. Keep in mind that you will be on your way to reaping success with push notifications when implemented properly.

Author Bio

Marry Ann

I’m the Marketing consultant, Self-driven budding entrepreneur, Work together with the clients by implementing different marketing strategies in their businesses.

Currently marketing consultant at


Author: Dam Dhood

I write about Startups and Entrepreneurship.