Tips on Effectively Managing Your Outsourced Content Marketing

As a business owner, you can’t deny the impact of content on marketing, sales, and profitability. It’s a strategy you must apply if you’re interested in increasing website traffic, lead generation, and conversion.

According to a 2020 survey by Content Marketing Institute, 59 percent of marketers admit that content marketing return on investment (ROI) is excellent or very good. Top reasons include increasing sales and lead conversions, as well as building brand awareness.

However, here’s the thing. Content marketing is not a one-person job. That’s why many companies now outsource content writing services to teams and agencies.

How to Outsource Blog Writing: A Step-By-Step Guide

Your blog is like a mirror, reflecting what you want your audience to see. It’s the key to boosting your visibility and reaching a wider client base.

With that in mind, here’s our complete guide on how to outsource content marketing successfully.

I. Choose What to Outsource

The first step is to create a content marketing strategy. Doing so will help you identify your business needs and the skills to look for when hiring a team. Content marketing will vary, depending on the type of business.

Once you identify your content type, you’ll be in a better position to determine the skills you should look for in a writer. For example, your in-house team may be efficient in video creation or illustration but not so great at content creation.

That’s where outsourcing to a freelance writer or agency can be beneficial.

When you outsource, your team can focus on what they do best, while you can rely on your writer to deliver premium content.

Areas you can outsource include:

  • Editing
  • Blog posts
  • eBooks/Guides
  • Case studies
  • Designing
  • Link building
  • Content writing
  • Social media engagement

II. Specify Your Content Marketing Goals

What are you looking to gain through content marketing? Is it to drive more traffic, generate and convert more leads, or increase brand awareness? Perhaps, you want a combination of these goals?

Defining clear content marketing goals is essential before you outsource writing to an agency or freelancer. You need a strategic direction that your business will follow. These goals must be established by your internal team, highlighting the overall organization’s content goals.

III. Choose Between a Digital Marketing Agency and a Freelancer

Once you’ve determined what areas you need to outsource, and have documented your content marketing goals, you’ll have to decide between an agency or freelancer.

Why Choose a Digital Marketing Agency?

  • Consistency in content creation. If one team member has an emergency and can’t work on your project, it will be reassigned to another writer.
  • Wide range of skills. A digital agency gives you access to a group of experts with a wider skillset. This can result in better quality work.
  • Quality assurance. A digital agency has a structure in place to manage issues like communication and service. Usually, there will be an agency manager tasked with picking the right team with skills that match your company content needs.
  • Easier project management. An agency is likely to have more resources to manage your projects efficiently.

Why Choose a Freelancer?

  • Expert services. You’ll be dealing with well-rounded professionals with experience in different fields. They’ll have a broader perspective that might prove useful to your business.
  • Lower costs. While freelancers usually charge per hour or per word and may request a monthly retainer, they are more willing to negotiate their rates.
  • More flexibility. Freelancers don’t usually embrace the 9-5 work structure. They can be available whenever you want, which is advantageous.
  • Focused service. Freelancers have fewer projects, meaning they can prioritize your work and give better results.

IV. Monitor Project Progress

It’s not enough to hire qualified content creators. You must stay on top of the workflow and make sure everything is going according to plan. Apart from planning the content and providing keywords and clear instructions, you want the whole process to run seamlessly.

With globally distributed teams, you must invest in a time tracking app for employee management. Such an app makes managing projects more effective and simplifies task prioritization, based on team capacity.

What’s more, it enables you to keep track of the process by checking the project progress. Teams will have clear objectives on what they are supposed to do to meet company goals.

V. Provide all the Necessary Resources

The final strategy when outsourcing content is to ensure the content creator has all the materials they need to deliver. This includes:

  • Content outlines
  • Access to the company blog or website
  • Access to internal information and documents
  • Access to content marketing tools your company uses

Your content creators will work more efficiently when they have access to all the necessary resources. The best approach is to ask what they need to get the work done and discuss what you can provide.

VI. Request for a Test Piece

The only way to know if your contract worker is the right fit for the role is to ask for a test piece. You’ll learn so much about their tone, content approach, and research capabilities. You’ll also determine their work ethic and level of expertise on the subject. Moreover, this can be a great way to know if they can deliver on time.

When requesting the first test piece, choose something small rather than a long-form article. You simply want to get a feel of what they can accomplish. Note that it’s essential to pay for this test piece. So, agree on the fee, regardless of the outcome, and honor it.

In Conclusion…

There’s no doubt that content marketing is a crucial business element. The problem is, it’s not easy to find the right agency or freelancer to handle your content creation.

So, approach it more carefully and plan it well. The secret is to define clear content goals and determine what areas to outsource.

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How to Build a Loyal Customer Base for Your Company in 7 Steps?

Anyone who has worked in marketing knows that acquiring a new customer is more expensive than keeping an existing one. Recurring customers will earn more money than huge, one-time clients. In addition, consumers that are devoted to your business are more likely to spread the word about your services, which increases your revenue. As a result, building a strong client base should be at the top of the priority list for any company. Nowadays, companies are highly dependent on various channels for their growth. Businesses can promote themselves through stunning promotional posters, engaging content on their social media platforms, attention-grabbing email campaigns, attractive graphics, and much more. All of which help them to retain customers and enhance their brand positioning.

Here we will let you go through seven ways to cultivate a devoted consumer base for your brand.

1. Customer Satisfaction Is A Priority

The fact that people remember a bad experience is clear. However, they also retain once they have a fantastic experience. To increase your customer base and keep them coming back, you need to provide a great customer experience. The journey of success begins with how you present your business.

First impressions are critical to the customer’s experience with your company. Is there a timely response to emails or calls? Is the customer satisfied with the answers they receive? How welcoming are the employees? How easy is it for online customers to find and complete a transaction on your website? How long do customers wait in line at a retail store? After-sale service is essential. Is the response time to a customer’s complaint quick? How straightforward is the refund policy? Do you take their input seriously? These are all simple things that can have a big impact on your customer’s experience.

Customer Satisfaction Is A Priority

2. Offer A Lot Of Value For Your Money

Because of the exceptional value you provide, your customers must have no incentive to switch elsewhere. While one consumer may place a high value on the right product or service, another may value the ease of use it provides. Your customers will continue to purchase from you if you can provide outstanding value all around and solve a major pain point for them.

Offer A Lot Of Value For Your Money

3. Continue to Provide Them With a Good Opportunity

Your customer’s attention may be diverted to your competition even if you provide exceptional service and excellent value. However, if you send frequent lead nurturing emails to remind them of your product or service, you’ll be able to establish a local customer base and keep them engaged. Not every day, but once per week, write an email that they consider useful or interesting but don’t try to sell to them. The purpose of these emails is to keep your customers engaged with your business, not to close another sale immediately. You’ll scare them away if you try too strongly for a repeat sale. The PosterMyWall has a unique feature of running successful email campaigns.

Continue to Provide Them With a Good Opportunity

4. Learn To Give Back To The Community

By offering something back to your customers, you can show them that you appreciate their business and establish a strong client base. You can accomplish this by offering a discount, inviting your most loyal clients to an exclusive event, or setting up a loyalty card program. Your loyal clients will feel valued, and it will encourage them to continue with your brand if you thank them for their loyalty without asking for anything in return.

Learn To Give Back To The Community

5. Respond Quickly To The Issues

Having a terrible experience with a customer may wreak havoc on your business’s reputation and undo all the work and effort you’ve put into making your customers happy. Although we all have our share of missteps, it’s how we deal with them that matters. Make amends if your customer isn’t completely content with your goods or service and do everything you can to fix it. Most customers are forgiving and will appreciate your efforts to fix the problem.

6. Consistency Is Key

It’s impossible to overestimate the value of maintaining a consistent approach in business. Customer loyalty is built over time, not by a one-time good deed that may or may not be memorable. Consistently good service is the key to building a loyal consumer base.

Consistency Is Key

7. Continually Check-in

If you want to establish a loyal customer base, your service shouldn’t halt instantly once the transaction is completed. A week after a customer buys from you, check in to see if they are happy with the goods or if you can assist them in any way. To demonstrate that you value their input, ask for their feedback. It only takes one fast phone call to separate one-time customers from long-term ones!

Continually Check-in

So, there you have it: seven ways to cultivate a devoted following of customers. Developing a following of loyal customers can help your business continue to grow and earn new customers regularly.

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Everything You Need to Know About SEO for eCommerce

Since the world’s economies have entered the post-COVID-19 recovery phase, digital marketing has gained more attention. Many people have been forced to stay at home to minimize their chances of contracting the virus. As a result, most of these workers have turned to online shopping and increased the use of the internet to gather information on different products and services.

Online marketing requires businesses to be conversant with search engine optimization (SEO) to reach as many potential customers as possible. A great way to remain relevant, reach your target audience, and ultimately drive sales is to optimize your website for eCommerce. 

The first step is to address your site’s rankings. For your website to rank highly within search results, you should prioritize the following strategies:

  • Implement faster and more user-friendly navigation
  • Ensure your internal links are not broken
  • Declutter your page
  • Create relevant content

In addition to implementing these strategies, you should also consider the following five tips and tricks to succeed in SEO for eCommerce:

Use Efficient Keywords

Keywords are a critical element for SEO because they act as a link between the company and the customers. When consumers look for a particular product online, they use words that are specific and relevant to their desired search.

Any company advertising online should try to anticipate the words that potential customers are likely to use during their searches and target them as keywords. These designated keywords should be used in the website content. Therefore, it will the chance of your site and products appearing when a potential customer uses these (or related) words and phrases in their search.

Write a Compelling Product Description

After potential consumers land on a relevant product or service, their next step is to investigate whether it meets their specific needs. They do so by reading descriptions and comparing them to similar products and services offered on other sites.

To beat out competitors, write the product description to convey everything a consumer needs in a concise and appealing style. The process of writing a product description requires care and attention to detail. You need to ensure that all of the important and relevant information relating to the product or service is captured in the description.

Optimize Product Images

Images are essential in online marketing, as they make it possible for the customer to see what they are buying. They are a sales-triggering factor and are more effective when alongside a clear product description.

Most of the customers who shop online have clear expectations of what they want to purchase. Sellers should ensure that these expectations are met by including a clear image of what they are offering. Customers can tell at a glance whether the product being displayed meets their expectations, hence the need to include high-quality pictures.

Pictures also make it possible to direct traffic to the site, especially when consumers use Google Image search. Only when these images have been included will customers be able to find them in their search.

Check Whether Traffic Is Translating into Sales

High Google rankings can be very effective in attracting traffic to the site. However, not everyone who visits ends up making a purchase.

If the number of sales is significantly lower than the potential customers on the site, then there is an issue that needs to be addressed. The eCommerce team should determine why the traffic is not translating into sales.

Issues such as poor product descriptions can lead to high traffic but few sales. It is the responsibility of the eCommerce team to ensure the information meets the specific needs of the consumers and that traffic translates into sales.

Improve Usability

One of the things that can put off a potential customer is encountering a site that is not easy to navigate. Most customers who run into problems when visiting a website arelikely to look for another user-friendly site.

People responsible for designing websites should have the users’ needs in mind. The site should be designed to navigate easily.

The number of people spending more time at home has prompted sellers to venture into online marketing to increase sales. In order to stay ahead of the competition, it is vital to maximize SEO and connect with searchers.

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6 Characteristics Of A High-Value B2B Copywriter

A lot of skills are required, and then you can become a successful B2B marketing writer. If you want to become a successful B2B marketing writer, then you need to be an advertising and marketing expert at the same time. You not only need the skills of an exceptional writer but also marketing skills. Just because you are a good writer does not mean that you can also be a successful marketing writer who can bring together good sales copies for businesses and companies out there. Organizations and firms are always looking forward to hiring successful B2B marketing writers to open their product descriptions and sales copies to their potential customers online.

In this article, we are going to discuss the VI characteristics of a high-value B2B copywriter. So, keep on reading to find out more information below on how you can become one and which skills you need to develop yourself!


Many writers enjoy freelance writing, and they make their schedules to work on different projects online. They work on small projects and do not care about the location they are working from, and have flexible careers. That is why they can adapt to different circumstances and situations. Even if those freelance writers are working in a coffee shop with a lot of background noise, it will not affect them because they have the adaptability now. If you want to become an excellent B2B successful marketing writer, you need to adapt to your client’s requirements and different other things!


Another ordinary skill in successful B2B copywriters is that they have a journalistic approach when it comes to writing down content about different companies and organizations’ products and services. It means that you have together all the data and then make something out of it and turn it into a story that people will be interested in reading. Make sure that you also develop the inverted pyramid writing approach scale, and then you can become a successful B2B marketing writer. B2B copywriters know very well that their audience is business-related people, and they do not have time to read big paragraphs, which is why you need to come up with bold and concise stories and blog posts!

Digital World Understanding

Things are advancing nowadays, and every field has moved towards websites and the digital world and mediums. The copywriters rely entirely on the digital world to create their content and interact with this industry’s business world and aspect. When you are writing content that will be uploaded in the digital world, you need to make a different approach and write in smaller chunks with giving breaks and subheadings. Otherwise, people are not going to be interested in reading lengthy paragraphs.

Story Telling

Successful B2B copier writer also has to be a great storyteller and think like you are telling your audience a story.

Take Criticism

You need the ability to take criticism positively if you want to become a successful B2B copywriter.


Are common trait in successful B2B copywriters is that they know their value and worth!


How Can You Leverage Online Marketing to Enhance Your Paver Leads

Marketing a paving business is not an easy task. The yellow pages ads, radio ads; door-to-door pitching has become too common and cannot get you good leads. If you have a paving business, you need to invest in robust online marketing for leads generation. To make things easy for you, here are tips to leverage the best techniques to enhance your paver leads

Focus on Local Listings 

You have a paving business but do your customers know where you are located. Hence, local listings are essential for every business. Every new listing you create on search engines like Google, Bing, and other increases prospective customers’ probability of finding your business. 

Today it is common for people to search for a type of business along with a city name, like paving businesses in New York. If you have created a Google My Business listing, the search engine will put your listing on the top of search results. A local listing is a great way to tell your customers that you are there and ready to serve them. 

It would help if you were careful when creating a local listing. Include photos, exact address, opening and closing time, Google Maps location, website URL, contact number, and other useful information. You need to update your local listing regularly and encourage customers to post reviews. All this will enhance lead generation and send quality leads that will hire your services. 

Don’t Forget the Local Directories. 

The local directories have always been a preferred source of information when looking for businesses or service providers. The digital revolution has changed the face of local directories. Today, you have online local directories like Angie List, Yelp, and City Search to provide you with information about paving businesses in your city, state, or country. 

One reason to get your business listed in online directories is the amount of traffic, and the number of paver leads they can generate for your business. Just like Google My Business, you need to optimize your listing in online directories. 

The local directories offer a premium listing option that allows you to enhance your listings and list them higher in the local directories. 

Get Busy Adding Relevant and Unique Content to Your Website. 

Despite the evolution of Internet technologies and search algorithms, “content” continues to play the king’s role in the search engine results. No matter how attractive your website is, it will not achieve top ranking in the SERP if it does not have relevant content. There are thousands of paving websites competing for the top place. The only thing that can enhance leads is content. 

Remember the website is the online face of your paving business. It should represent the business in the right way and tell what customers can expect from you. All this is achieved by creating relevant and unique content for your website. It’s okay if you don’t have a great looking paving website, but you surely need lots of unique content to generate leads. 

If you want to dominate the paving business niche, you need to invest in SEO and get your website in order. Only then your paving website can enhance leads and bring in conversions. 

Email Your Prospects and Customers

To stay ahead in your business, you should always be on your customer’s minds. In simple words, the connection between your brand and customer should not break. Here, email marketing comes into play. You need to create email newsletters and send them to prospects and customers.

You can send an email with pavement maintenance to the customer to stay connected. For prospects, you can adopt a different strategy. Suppose a particular visitor has shown interest in specific services but not bought it. In that case, you can send a customized offer with a discount to the prospect that will pull the prospect to the website and encourage completing the purchase. 

The real objective behind this is to keep the relationship alive so that next time they need paving business they do not search on the Internet, they call you. 


The most cost-effective way to enhance your leads is SEO. As part of the initial website SEO, you need to perform adequate keyword research to find keywords with high search volume. It would help if you included these keyword phrases in the description, meta tags, and content. Since many customers access paving websites from mobile devices, you need to ensure the website is mobile-friendly. Some of the crucial aspects of SEO to focus on are

  • Improve page loading time
  • Have a separate page for each service 

Online marketing can help generate hundreds of leads every day provided you follow the right digital marketing strategies to enhance lead quality and quantity. 

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How Do SEO Experts Promote Your E-Commerce Site?

Dallas has emerged as an attractive hub for tech companies. It is the 5th largest tech talent employer in the country, making up for nearly 5% of the overall workforce. The city’s continuous expansion of the tech labor pool, coupled with affordable cost of living at an index value of 101.6, makes the area an attractive place to do business.

In recent years, the region has seen an increase by two times in Google “near me” searches.

If you own an eCommerce business in Dallas and wish to utilize its booming tech sector and digital front offerings, your website should have a significant online presence. You can hire experienced Dallas SEO experts to promote your eCommerce site. They can quadruple your revenue with their prolific online marketing strategy. Here is a step-by-step guide the specialists follow for your site’s online campaigning:

Performing Ecommerce Keywords Research

On the same lines as the rest of the country, nearly 50% of Dallas’s searches have four to five words, showing the preference for long-tail keywords.

Keyword research for eCommerce is quite technical, targeting transactional search queries performed by consumers.

The SEO experts first choose the right keywords based on your industry’s good monthly search volume, competition level, and relevance. They target words that have a higher estimated cost per click.

Developing an Improved Ecommerce Website Structure

As per leading Dallas SEO consultants, Google relies on over 200 website ranking factors, with one primary factor being website usability. 

The top Dallas SEO experts optimize your eCommerce website structure for search engines and your potential customers. They focus on improving your website to enable search engines to reach, index, and fetch offerings to related search queries. 

Working on On-site SEO for Product and Category Pages

While 25% of SEO is on-site, any video on your site gives it 53% more chances to rank on page 1 of Google.

The SEO professionals perform an on-site SEO optimization on your well-structured eCommerce website content, complying with search engine standards. They work on optimizing titles, meta descriptions, URLs, and video transcripts to encourage potential customers to complete the desired actions of purchasing products from your website.

Managing Ecommerce Technical SEO Issues

Over 61% of all Dallas based online consumers prefer an eCommerce company with a well-designed mobile website.

Experienced professionals perform weekly or twice a month site audits to handle technical SEO issues. With the increasing pages for products, the experts will mobile-optimize your site for a responsive design and navigation experience. They manage other aspects like duplicate content, non-indexed products, security concerns, and website loading speed.

Performing Analysis for Link Building

More than 60% of Dallas marketers affirm that link building is the most challenging SEO aspect to complete.

But with an experienced specialist by your side, you can increase your eCommerce website authority to search engines. They analyze your’s and your competitor’s backlink profiles to identify conducive link building opportunities, thus earning substantial referral traffic.

Dallas shows its presence in the digital arena, thanks to events like Digital Summit and Texas Marketing Summit. With access to the city’s thriving digital market, hiring a reputed SEO service agency is the best way to optimize your eCommerce site and harness its benefits. Having followed the right SEO optimization steps, your firm will be one of the top performers in Dallas, with an expansive global online footprint. 

Converting PPT Slides To PDF: Free & Easy with PDFBear

As traditional as it is, Microsoft Powerpoint isn’t the only platform you can use to share your presentations. There are times wherein the system does not support an MS PPT file. However, you can always convert your Powerpoint file and your slides into a PDF. Convert your PPT to PDF to avoid any troublesome scenarios that involve compatibility and support.

An excellent online tool that you can use to convert PPT to PDF is PDFBear. PDFBear offers this PPT to PDF conversion efficiently and effectively. You will convert any PPT file into an accurate PDF document within a single minute. By converting it to PDF, you can now use the other PDF conversion tools that PDFBear if you deem it necessary.

PPT to PDF With A Few Clicks

PDFBear will only need a few clicks from you to successfully convert any ppt to pdf. And the entire PPT to PDF conversion should only take about a minute. Within this one-minute PPT to PDF conversion, expect that PDFBear will take care of everything regarding your PPT to PDF needs. Quality is one aspect that PDFBear ensures and the accuracy of the PPT to PDF conversion.

PDFBear also equipped this PPT to PDF converter with all the values and settings that should lead to a successful conversion. You do not need to change or change any of the settings of this converter upon using it. As we said, the converter will only require a few clicks from the user. By using this PDFBear PPT to PDF converter, you can have a successful and accurately-converted PPT to PDF document in no time.

Some competitor online tools offer this PDF conversion. However, most convert PPT to PDF, most inefficiently and inaccurately. There have been reports of a tradeoff in terms of the quality of the conversion. With this PDFBear tool, you can assure yourself that the quality of your PPT file will be similar when you convert it to a PDF format.

PPT to PDF Within Four Easy Steps

The process for PPT to PDF is relatively quick and easy to follow. Anyone who wants to avail of this PDFBear service only needs to follow four easy steps to convert any PPT file into a PDF successfully. Following this four-step process should be a breeze, as you only need a few clicks to convert PPT to PDF. This four-step PPT to PDF conversion will take as short as a minute before you can download an accurately formatted PDF!

The PPT to PDF process begins through a single upload of the MS PowerPoint file you wish to convert. Then, a process-bar will then appear that will signal the progress of the upload and conversion. Moving on, you can choose between the options if you want to modify the file.

If everything about the options checks out, then you can click on “Download” and save the file to your computer or any device. You can also share the PDF document to your Dropbox or Google Drive.

PPT and PPTX Support

There’s a substantial chance that you have not only a PPT file in your possession. You do not have to worry as this PPT to PDF converter can perfectly handle PPTX formats. Converting PPTX to PDF should be the same. Expect the same swift PPT to PDF conversion and an accurate and high-quality result.

Cloud Conversion For PPT

All PPT to PDF conversions happen in the PDFBear Cloud. Therefore, using PDFBear to convert PPT to PDF will not use up any of your CPU or GPU bandwidth. The same goes for your system memory. Overall, the system you are using will not be in any heavy load while converting PPT to PDF using PDFBear.

Microsoft PPT files are recognizable around the world. Therefore, uploading any PPT file and converting them to PDF is possible through the PDFBear Cloud. All you need is to access this PPT to PDF converter on the PDFBear portal. And, typically, with just a few clicks, you can convert any PPT to PDF successfully through the Cloud.

The Cloud Conversion tool should be perfect for those who are always on the go. Converting PPT to PDF or PPTX to PDF has never been this easy thanks to PDFBear and this PPT to PDF tool.

Universal Operating Systems

You will not have any compatibility issues or support troubles in using this PPT to PDF tool. PDFBear is compatible with all the operating systems used today. Using a Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system will not be an issue in accessing and using this PPT to PDF converter on PDFBear. No matter which platform you use in converting PPT to PDF, the same four-step process will occur.

PDFBear and this PPT to PDF tool are also compatible and supported on mobile operating systems. If you have a smartphone, as most of us have, then you can quickly and conveniently convert any PPT file to PDF from your device. But you will need a stable web connection to access PDFBear and convert PPT to PDF using the PDFBear Cloud.


Converting PPT to PDF has never been this quick and convenient. This PPT to PDF converter gives any user the flexibility and accuracy they need to convert PPT to PDF. And it allows users to avail of this PDF conversion service for free. PDFBear makes sure that this PDF conversion is accessible and is a process that continually yields high-quality and accurate results.

SEO vs. SEM – 4 things you need to know

If you are new to digital marketing, you may be wondering – what is the difference between SEO and SEM? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves using specific techniques to bring in organic traffic to your website through search engine results. For example, if you sell vegan makeup products in Singapore, you should use SEO tactics to rank high in the search results when one searches ‘vegan makeup products Singapore’ in Google, or other search engines. 

SEM is Search Engine Marketing and it involves using paid tactics to bring eyes to your page through paid search. This is most often done through Google Ads, but Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines have their own advertising platforms that may be beneficial to your business. 

When you google something, you may notice the first results that come up at the very top are sponsored (advertisements). 

Those advertisements are a result of SEM strategy. The organic search results after those are showing up near the top due to good SEO techniques. 

As a business owner, tapping into SEO and SEM in a combined plan can result in more traffic to your page, and if you’re selling something, it can result in more sales.  There are amazing and innovative digital marketing consultants in Singapore that can help you maximize both SEO and SEM in your business.  We will get to that soon. 

First, let’s begin with 4 things you need to know when considering SEO vs. SEM.

1. Both SEO and SEM require you to know your target audience well.  

A quality Search Engine Marketing campaign will include SEO strategy in addition to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. It’s important to create a comprehensive marketing plan that will organically bring traffic to your website while using PPC methods to bring in traffic through google ads or other search engine advertising opportunities. 

A good strategy will include both SEO and SEM. For the strategy to work effectively, you need to really narrow down your target audience. Get to know your customer, demographic, location, and what they are looking for when they search. When it comes to SEM, your target audience and ability to identify them accurately, will determine the success of your campaign. The more targeted your SEM campaign, the better the results. If you’re having trouble narrowing down your target audience and customer, take the time to meet with a digital marketing consultant in Singapore. 

They will help narrow your target audience to ensure both SEO and SEM tactics are reaching your target audience – the ones likely to buy or stay on your website. 

2. SEM costs money – SEO is free. 

This is an obvious differentiator between SEO and SEM. SEO is completely free.  There are hundreds of free techniques you can use to improve your organic traffic through search engine results.  Typically, SEO techniques are grouped into 3 categories:

  • On-page SEO (optimizing web pages to improve search results – involves tactics including HTML tags, headlines, publishing high-quality informative content)
  • Technical SEO (improving the technical aspects of your page so it performs well – faster website ranks higher)
  • Off-Page SEO (what happens off your website to improve ranking – link building is an example)

By incorporating all 3 categories into your SEO strategy, you can see results over time that do not cost you anything. When done correctly, your organic traffic will increase, and your website can slowly rank higher in search engine results without spending a dollar on advertising – that’s a pretty great strategy! 

SEM on the other hand, requires an advertising budget. SEM is usually Pay-Per-Click, which means you only pay when someone is interested and clicks on your link. Traditional marketing/advertising techniques would mean you pay for anyone who hears or sees your ad (such as radio or television), and not just those that are interested. 

This is why SEM is such an effective strategy that all businesses can benefit from, even with a small budget. Only those interested will click on your link, reducing your overall spend. 

Businesses small and large can benefit from working with a digital marketing company in Singapore that will work with you and the budget available to create a comprehensive strategy that includes both SEO and SEM. 

3. SEM can bring results quickly – SEO takes more time. 

SEO is a long-term strategy that takes time, consistency, and effort. It is not an overnight solution to drive traffic to your website.  SEM is an option if you’re looking for fast-results and a way to drive traffic. 

A successful SEM campaign can result in an increase in traffic nearly immediately. To create a comprehensive SEM strategy that will drive traffic, and ultimately increase sales, we recommend that you consult with a digital marketing company in Singapore. A digital marketing consultant Singapore firm will meet with you to understand your website, product, and customer and create an amazing campaign that is cost-effective and produces the results you are looking for. 

4. SEM can be time-consuming and your SEO may suffer

Search Engine Marketing strategies can be time-consuming. You need to thoroughly research, test, and evaluate your campaigns. When you are paying for advertising, watching your campaigns closely and adjusting accordingly is important when looking to achieve amazing results with little spending. 

If you are running SEM campaigns, it can take away time and resources from your SEO strategy. This is important because SEO contributes to the long-term success of businesses by providing organic traffic for years to come without requiring an advertising budget.  By hiring a digital marketing company in Singapore, you will have the necessary support and resources to ensure both SEO and SEM strategies are maintained for short-term and long-term success. 

In Summary

The important thing to take away is SEM and SEO should be a combined effort. Both strategies bring value and can be leveraged to provide immediate, paid traffic and long-term, organic traffic to your website. 

By hiring a digital marketing company in Singapore, you will make the most of your time and advertising budget. Too often businesses seek out immediate results through SEM, while forgetting the long-term and free benefits of SEO. Hiring a professional digital marketing consultant in Singapore will provide you with resources and the know-how, leading to better results, more targeted campaigns, and can ultimately improve the success of your marketing strategy. 

Digital Solutions is a full-service digital marketing company in Singapore. Set up a free meeting with their digital marketing experts to understand how they can help you create a working strategy that will bring your business to the next level. They are committed to delivering data-driven results to their customers by using SEO, SEM, and social media marketing.

By working with Digital Solutions, you can expect to work with talented digital marketing consultant Singapore specialists that take the time to understand your business. They are there to support you and your business every step of the way.  If you’re ready to grow your business through effective marketing strategies, contact us today for more information!

What are the ranking factors involved in Google(SEO)?

SEO requirements keep changing, and it can be hard to keep up with the latest developments. But if you want your Google rankings to go from unseen to the top of the list, you have to be in the know.

Well-optimized sites get more and more traffic over time, and that means more leads and sales. Without SEO, searchers won’t be able to find your site, and all your hard work will be for nothing.

Simpsons GIF: all for nothing

In this guide, we’re going to answer the question “what does SEO mean” and share the essential SEO ranking factors you need to dominate search results.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a well-optimized site that brings you more business.

Exclusive Bonus: Download the SEO Ranking Factors Cheat Sheet to boost your search engine rankings quickly.

We’ve created this handy table of contents if you want to skip ahead to the SEO ranking factors that are most interesting to you:

What Are the Most Important SEO Ranking Factors?

  1. A Secure and Accessible Website
  2. Page Speed (Including Mobile Page Speed)
  3. Mobile Friendliness
  4. Domain Age, URL, and Authority
  5. Optimized Content
  6. Technical SEO
  7. User Experience (RankBrain)
  8. Links
  9. Social Signals
  10. Real Business Information

Recommended Resource: Need more website traffic? Learn how to rank #1 on Google with our Ultimate Guide to SEO in 2020.

At the very end of this article, we’re going to finally answer the question that plagues most beginner SEO learners: which is more important, pleasing Google or pleasing my audience?

Before we get into the details of each ranking factor, let’s take a quick look at the basics of how search engine rankings work.

Understanding SEO, or “How Do I Rank Higher on Google?”

Many people wonder how Google rankings work. So before we get into the actual search engine ranking factors, let’s get started by answering some of the basic questions most people have about SEO.

What Is “Ranking” in SEO?

As you may know, SEO stands for search engine optimization, which simply means making the web pages more likely to get ranked on a search engine. But let’s be honest: at this point, that really just means Google.

And how exactly does that work? Let’s break it down.

In SEO, ranking refers to your content’s position on the search engine results pages (SERPs). A #1 ranking means that when people search for a particular term, your web page is the first result (apart from promoted results, featured snippets, and answer boxes, which we’ll talk about later in this guide).

Appearing in the top 3 results is excellent because your click-through rates skyrocket. According to research from Safari SEO in Brisbane, the #1 position in Google enjoys more than 45% of all organic clicks. The closer you get to #1 the more clicks you can expect, as shown in the image provided by Backlinko below:


Appearing on the first page at all, within the top 10 results, is also useful. That’s because 95% of people never make it past the first page.

Hence the famous joke in the Google SEO world: where’s the best place to hide a dead body?

On page 2 of Google.

What Does Google Look for in SEO?

Google’s stated purpose is to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Delivering relevant search results is a huge part of that. Here’s how they work:

how google search rankings work

First, Google’s search bots (pieces of automated software called “spiders”) crawl the web. Sounds creepy, we know. But all that means is they visit web pages.

Second, they add correctly optimized and crawlable pages to Google’s index and catalog them.

Third, when people search Google, it shows what it thinks are the most relevant results based on the search terms they enter (out of the trillions of pages in Google’s index).

Google has various and deeply complex algorithms to decide which content gets displayed and in which order. But we’ll get into all that fun stuff later.

Once your page lands on the SERP, though, you have to rely on your page titles and meta descriptions to get searchers to click your link and visit your site. Submitting a guest post technology can also help you rank your keyword on Google.

How Do Google Search Rankings Work?

When people want to find information, they type or say words related to what they’re looking for. Those are called keywords, and we’ll look at those in the content optimization section of this guide.

But keeping your website ranking on Google isn’t just about making the most out of competitive keywords. It’s also about the quality of information.

According to Google’s own search quality ratings, when it indexes the main content of each page, it checks factors like:

  • Purpose of the page
  • Content quality and amount
  • Website info and info about the content creator
  • Website reputation and content creator reputation
  • User interaction with the page (time on page, bounce rates, and so on)
  • Expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T)

In just a moment, we’re going to explore that last one (E-A-T) in more detail because it’s become very important.

For now, it’s enough to know that all the factors listed above go into Google’s algorithm and help to determine SEO ranking.

Based on the rating guidelines above, Google shows searchers the most relevant, high-quality results related to what they’re looking for. The most relevant are shown first, with the rest shown over successive pages.

wordpress for beginners google search

One of the goals of addressing SEO ranking factors is to let Google know when your pages on your site are relevant to particular search queries, so people will click the links and visit your site.

Before getting into two different types of SEO, let’s explore the concept of expertise, authority, and trustworthiness in greater detail.