6 Most Commonly Used Emojis You Can Send To Your Friends


Emojis are somehow similar to emoticons or “smileys.” They are commonly used in different communication channels, such as emails, text messages, or social media platforms. You can choose from various emojis, which typically include facial expressions, food, animals, objects, transportation, and even weather type.  The term emoji originally comes from the word “pictograph.”

In Japanese,  the “e” in emoji means “picture”, and “moji” or “character”.  Communicating doesn’t have to be just “words” all the time. Depending on their custom,  history, and even the circumstance, people communicate in a lot of ways. Now that we’re in the modern age, people use emojis to interact with one another.  Here are some commonly used emojis of 2020

The Nerd Emoji 

To convey how we feel when words don’t seem to bring what we’d like to say, we use various emojis. Certainly, emojis have enhanced how we connect and transmit entertaining messages to everyone we speak to. This latest way of connecting with others has made our experience more comfortable, and when we can’t find the correct terms, we don’t have to tinker with our thoughts, which is an advantage for us.

The nerd emoji has a yellow grinning face with black-rimmed, thick eyeglasses and buck teeth that’s showing. It is modeled after a stereotypical geek with buck teeth, a derogatory illustration that historically ridiculed East Asians. The glasses and smile vary among different platforms. Some features even show white-glasses instead of the typical black ones. 

Meaning depends, but mostly used as a pleasant but self-deprecating means of expressing or showing someone is a geek, I.e., incredibly technical, intelligent, or thrilled regarding something from school to sports to fashion. It is also used to portray eyeglasses or anyone who commonly wears them.

The Red Heart Emoji 

The red heart emoji is the best one whenever you want to express love and support to your spouse or dear ones. This is also used whenever you want to transmit a sweet text message or email to somebody close to you, whether it be a family member or a friend. 

Besides this, whenever we like to write about something, an event, or food that makes you feel good, we can also use the red heart emoji.  When you create a long love message for your spouse, we highly recommend you use this emoji. 

This would undoubtedly make them feel happy and loved because the heart has always been a symbol of affection. In any communication network, this emoji is proven the best to use. 

Dizzy Face Emoji

This emoji portrays a face with pupils that are “X” or swirling, depending on the device or platform you use. Usually, this emoji doesn’t necessarily mean you feel nauseous or dizzy, but if it fits the situation, you could also use this emoji for such a purpose. 

Individuals use this emoji to show their dissatisfaction over something else or when they can’t understand what a person is saying.  It may imply that the situation you are in is causing you discomfort or that you could be in a situation difficult to manage. You may also use this emoji to express a drunk or “hangover” feeling. 

The Smiling Eyes With Kissing Face Emoji  

This emoji features a yellow round face with a puckered kiss on the lips and bright smiling eyes. Ideas of affection and love are widely shared. This emoji is often believed to represent whistling, especially with the musical note, like an individual whose hands are comfortably whistling and hands in his pocket after misconduct.  

This emoji can also be used when you want to kiss someone in particular.  You can also use this when you find the person you’re talking to adorable, or they may have said something sweet. There are several ways to use this emoji and reasons to send them to your friends or family.  

The Sparkles Emoji

This emoji shows a burst of glittering sparkles. It is usually represented as triple four-point gold stars, with one large spark and two small stars to the left and right sides. It is frequently used to denote various positive emotions, such as affection, happiness, beauty, appreciation, and enthusiasm. It can be used to show imagination or cleanliness too. When you want to show off some charm and “sass,” this emoji is excellent to use. 

The Flushed Emoji 

This flushed emoji is sometimes related to the “embarrassed emoji,” one of the most widely utilized by all individuals. With its eyes open wide and brows furrowed, this emoji is portrayed as a blushing face. This emoji is also used to express remorse or be shy over something. When we are trying to depict someone who is embarrassed over something that has happened or even about a particular person, we could also use this.

There is no question that Emojis helped us interact with the people around us better. Now that we’ve got emojis, We’re seeing them everywhere on social networks, messages, or even newsletters. It’s there! 


Humans have created the trend of using emojis to communicate with one another, and it’s been proven that it has made it simpler and easier to connect with others around you.  Check these emojis out and have a great time with your loved ones. We hope our article helped you in knowing more about the best emojis you can use for your conversation.

Author: Dam Dhood

I write about Startups and Entrepreneurship.