5 Endearing Emoticons for Kids


Children usually have an easy time in virtual and modern communication. Emoticons help navigate and express how we truly feel. Kids nowadays are creative and artistic socially. No matter the distance and the situation, it is good to convey messages and emotions through emoticons. It is a convenient tool for good communication.

Here are some fun and bright emojis for kids to incorporate on their next chats and social media posts. With these emoticons, we can avoid confusion and add more flair to dull and usual messages. We are fortunate enough to have these emojis handy. Let us take advantage of every opportunity and spread positivity and light on to others starting today!

House Emoji

Kids first learn to appreciate the environment that they grew up in and discover many things at home. The house is where a child’s curiosity and love develops. The house emoji is perfect for everyone to relive their beautiful childhood memories. Kids can send their playmates the house emoticon as an invitation to their lovely homes. Who would not want to have a good slumber party on the weekends, right?

We all had experienced playing house during our younger years. The house emoticon is an excellent reminder to let the inner child in us foster. Reminiscing on memories can be a stress reliever during difficult times. The house emoji has endless meaning and possibilities. Parents and kids can enjoy playing house to form stronger bonds and learn from each other. Go on and prepare the blankets and pillows to create a playhouse with the kids. 

Piñata Emoji

What is a children’s party without a piñata? Every birthday celebration, we see and get to play with one. Piñatas’ colorful history came from the beautiful country of Mexico. We often see Piñatas during parlor games, and they make all celebrations more exciting and fun. The Piñata emoji is a good reminder not to forget to include this game during any parties. We all need to let loose and release our stress by playing this game. 

The prizes and candies inside the Piñatas are amusing. The joy and excitement on childrens’ faces are priceless, and the parents during celebrations also get to play and have their fun. The Piñata emoji is useful to incorporate on birthday greetings and celebrations. They add pleasure and entertainment to both messages and parties. Invite everyone to play and feel the rush to fill up your baskets and bags with yummy snacks and irresistible sweet treats! 

Teddy Bear Emoji

Who would not love an adorable and huggable teddy bear? Every child has one that they sleep beside every night. The teddy bear emoji is the cutest of all emoticons out there. Teddy bears are essential to a child growing up. Every cuddle of these delightful bears improves mental health. It is fascinating how this single emoticon can bring so many good benefits to a kid. They act as a security blanket and an object of comfort to the owner.

Sending the teddy bear emoticon can also mean that you want a bear as a gift. The receiver instantly knows that you want something to embrace during the night. You can also give a teddy bear on anniversaries to your significant other. It marks the time you enjoyed together, and the bonus part is that she gets to hug it forever. They say that you need to appreciate and enjoy the little things in life because you will look back and realize that they were big things one day.

Magic Wand Emoji

Magic tricks during children’s parties are also a hit. It is the most entertaining and fun part of the program. Sending the magic wand emoji lets you think of that magical feeling you experience during those shows. They say magic is believing in yourself, and if you do that, you can make anything happen. 

The magic wand emoticon is a reminder to keep the magic in you alive. Do not let anyone dim that light in you. You are your magic, and we should appreciate ourselves more. We can create big things if we believe in our dreams and goals. This emoticon inspires and motivates, especially the young ones. As they say, the world is full of magic; it is up to us to spark and grow it.

Roller Coaster Emoji

The roller coaster is the best emoticon for kids. They say that Disney is the happiest place on earth. We can all agree that it is because of the fun rides they offer. A roller coaster emoticon reminds you to plan your next visit to theme parks and wild rides. Roller coasters can help you forget your problem even just for a short while. 

Roller coasters help you fight off your fear of heights. By riding, you feel more confident, and you overcome phobias that you might have. The adrenaline rush that kids feel during the rides is the best. They patiently wait in long lines to experience the thrill. Have the time of your life and send the roller coaster emoticon to your friends!

Express What You Feel With Emojis 

These five emoticons can make your child’s heart happy. We all need constant inspiration now and then. These emojis help us attain genuine happiness that money cannot buy. You are doing the right thing the moment you add these fun emoticons to your messages. They say it is good to honor your inner child by losing yourself and enjoying simple pleasures.

Author: Dam Dhood

I write about Startups and Entrepreneurship.