Protect Yourself: 6 Cybersecurity Threats You Should be Aware Of

Disguised Threats

Cybersecurity is one of the global threats fronting many businesses today. The reputational and financial cost of a breach of data can be disastrous for any organization, and that is why it’s essential to have the proper cybersecurity professionals and protocols in place. 

Despite the extensive efforts to defeat cybersecurity threats and significant improvements in IT security practices and technology, the number of cybersecurity concerns approaching businesses continues to propagate.

Though today’s cybersecurity threats are not the same threats as before, they will still change and evolve as time advances. Hence, it’s critical for businesses to stay updated regarding the risks of their IT foundation and data security. Here are some cybersecurity threats that everyone should watch out for.


Although Malware might not cause significant damage for some, it can be a total headache when you have to deal with this cybersecurity threat. Most of the time, malware can lay dormant in a system and can attack anytime. When it attacks, prepare to have  a rude awakening. 

Malware can enable hackers to steal  your private information such as bank account numbers, social security numbers, names, dates, passwords, and pictures of you. To avoid such a program from doing damage to your system, you need a proper firewall. 

Your firewall can be your first line of defense as it prevents malicious websites from automatically installing malware on your PC without you knowing. Firewalls such as Fortigate 80e are one of the best in the market. 

Criminal for Hire

Groups of criminals will continue their current development and be more increasingly sophisticated. The complex collaborations, hierarchies, and partnerships that imitate a substantial private sector will facilitate their entry into fresh markets, and the scale of their activities lies at a global level. 

Some organizations are having the ancestry of existing illegal structures, while some will emerge focused primarily on cyber-crime. Organizations will strive to keep the pace with this expanded sophistication, and the influence will cover worldwide, with “crypto ware,” becoming the top malware because of its impact and threat value. 

The developing cyber occurrence in the years to come will probably be more damaging and persistent than organizations have encountered previously, making the disruption of business and trust loss in existing security contracts.

Although hackers or groups of hackers might have similar activities with groups that do social engineering schemes, they differ in many ways. First off, hackers are highly skilled with what they do. It’s very hard to get loose from a hacker, especially if they have the right tools to attack you. Social engineering scammers on the hand, can be easy to spot and can totally be avoided.

Another thing that separates the experts from the amateurs is their security. A skilled group of hackers can quickly hide their location if needed. Amateurs, on the other hand, blatantly hide behind legit businesses and can easily be tracked with just a simple email or a phone call.


Ransomware attacks may happen anytime, and any businesses of all sizes can be a victim every day. Companies can easily avoid ransomware attacks if all of their systems are updated while having the trusted anti-virus software installed. 

Also, businesses will need to always make sure that they regularly back up their company’s data and be careful enough with the files they’re opening on their computers. More so, they have to make sure that they will engage in educational cyber security seminars regularly with their staff who have access to the company’s files.

Social Engineering

Social Engineering runs closely associated with some cyber attacks, involving a hacker searching for information from an inexperienced employee in many ways to start a targeted attack. 

For example, any hacker may call the target organization, asking the names of employees, their job titles, and many more. Then, they can make an email that seems more realistic and more possible to get a click or a download. Once again, educating employees is the most effective defense, so they are informed of this threat.

Social Engineering schemes are often done in plain sight of the authorities. There are cases where these illegal “call centers” act as a legit service provider to avoid getting sniffed by authorities. These call centers can have as few as five employees or more than a hundred operating at the same time. 

Distributed Denial of Service

The Distributed Denial of Service, or more popularly known as DDOS attack, is an assault on a site or server where hackers will overload the target website with malicious web traffic with the purpose of crashing it because of an overload of information. Lots of small business’ websites are victim to these attacks as they don’t have the necessary security in place. The firewall and even a VPN can help lessen this type of threat.

DDOS attacks are also common in competitive gaming. Most of the time, hackers work together with illegal bettors to crash a game and put their bets on the winning side. DDOS attacks can be used from almost everywhere in the world and can be hard to track.

Shady Cloud Storage Services

The services of cloud computing are genuinely improving the ways on how small institutions function and are growing as a primary option for small and medium-sized corporations. Cloud storage services make the lives of plenty of business owners easy as they have timely security updates and other defense measures. 

While the cloud storage may seem like an excellent idea, you might never know if your storage provider is as secure as the way you want it to be. Hence, ensure that you are working with reputable service providers to avoid as much as possible those cloud storage issues.


If people believe that their daily actions won’t draw interest from criminals online, think again. Most of the time, hackers often target unsuspecting victims online. When they’re done, you can be sure that hackers won’t leave a thing uncovered about you. 

Aside from hackers, you should also be aware of other threats online, such as those mentioned above. Arm yourself with knowledge, the right netiquette, and the most efficient tools so these threats won’t stand a chance against you.

Author: Dam Dhood

I write about Startups and Entrepreneurship.