Will Smart & Non Touch Appliances Be the New Norm?

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The pandemic has changed every aspect of our lives quite considerably, and with new restrictions in place to keep our health and wellness intact, it’s imperative we continue to adhere to the social distancing rule, to wash our hands regularly and to limit contact with people who aren’t in our ‘bubble’. However, as pubs, bars, restaurants, and your favourite local shops re-open, sometimes it becomes very difficult to strictly follow these rules. If you’re treating yourself to a nice little Italian, the waiter has to deliver food on your table, and the 1m and 2m rule is obsolete. The cutlery laid out on the table must be clean for use, and you are placing your faith and trust in this particular establishment to have followed the rules given out by the government. While these situations may sound daunting and increase our racing thoughts of anxiety, the one positive to come out of the pandemic, is the introduction of new products and new technology that has been demanded of covid19. 

Delivery robots to deliver your Hawaiian pizza from Pizza express to limit physical touch and contact? Sure. You no longer have to travel 1 hour and 35 minutes to one of your biggest marketing clients, and therefore use Zoom for virtual meetings that go even better than the real thing and are better for the environment? Who would’ve thought – brilliant!

The question is, will non touch appliances be the new norm, as we try to navigate through this pandemic. We know where possible, we need to reduce physical contact with our friends, family, and objects too. With advanced technology in the market, it’s no surprise we have appliances that require no touch, from our cars locking system, to our kitchen refrigerator, bathroom taps, showers, and plenty more. While it may seem like we live in a technological advanced world that seems to be only digital, non-touch appliances work in favour of the covid19 pandemic, because we don’t need to use our touch to operate an item or object. 

The most important place in our homes, and in public, are washrooms. They are home to plenty of bacteria and fungi that can contribute to our overall health and wellness. The bathroom should be the most hygienic room in the home, and residential and commercial property owners have now decided to invest in hygienic, non-touch solutions to promote health and hygiene, while at the same time promoting green tech and sustainability. 

Sensor Taps

The elite of all the taps to ever exist. Many bathrooms and washrooms across the UK, have the ordinary, average taps where you twist them and water comes rushing out. Well, as we work towards climate change and global warming goals to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, this means one way to do this, in conjunction with other things, is to reduce our water usage. Manual taps mean we use more water than we actually need. Do you leave the tap running while you brush your teeth and walk around the bathroom? Do you switch the shower on 5 minutes before you get in it for it to ‘warm up’? We are all guilty of these things, but for modern bathrooms and washrooms now, automatic sensor taps are kings. Thy are activated by the user, and they are amazing for saving on water and energy.

Although those are the two main selling points: they save on water and energy – another is that they are more hygienic. How so? They reduce the spread of germs around the washroom, because you don’t need to touch them for water to be released whenever you wash your hands. Pretty neat, right?

Paper Towels

We won’t get into the paper towels vs hand dryers debate, we think this feud will go on for the rest of time, but anyway, the majority of public and workplace washrooms will use paper towels, or have a hand dryer (hopefully not an old, clunky one). If you are using a hand dryer that still has a button you need to push to activate it, you should really consider. Remember the purpose of sensor taps which was to not have to touch the taps in order for it to be activated? The same applies with however you dry your hands too. Non touch electric hand dryers are proving to be popular, but they deserve to be widely adopted across the globe because of their hygienic and UV-C technology. 

As we all start to head back to work, it’s our mission to minimise contact points and to only touch and use what is necessary. Washrooms are of course hotspots, because this is something we have to use, but there is plenty of solutions to tackle this issue, with the use non touch technology, such as sensor taps, non-touch dryers, paper towel dispensers and of course, regular sanitation and disinfectant cleaning.

Sensor Soap Dispenser

You don’t need to touch a soap bottle again! Soap dispensers that have a sensor, allow you to put your hand under the sensor, and dispenses the soap for you. It prevents bacteria from spreading all over your room, whether it’s the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom or anywhere. 

Author: Dam Dhood

I write about Startups and Entrepreneurship.