Ten Ecommerce SEO Tips You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Online Marketing to Enhance Your Paver Leads

It is estimated that UK consumers will spend £141.33 billion this year online. Will your store be part of that? Will customers be flocking to your virtual listings, ready to make purchases? It won’t happen without a good ecommerce SEO plan in place, and if you’re not doing these ten things, you’re certainly not going to get a piece of that money. 

Address Your site Structure Issues:

If you haven’t already taken a hard look at your site structure, it’s time. Start by addressing your URL. If you haven’t already migrated to an HTTPS address, you need to right now. Google trusts it so much that they’ve made it a ranking factor. More than that, though, as any ecommerce SEO services company will tell you, speed is everything. As your load time increases, so does your bounce rate. Finally, don’t begin to overlook your potential mobile customers. Mobile accounts for more than half of all ecommerce revenue, so overlooking it would be a massive mistake. 

Reconsider Your Content:

If you’re thinking about ecommerce SEO, London companies will tell you that content remains king. There are several things you can do. Start by incorporating your keywords as often as possible. Just updating your “click here” to keyword anchor text can do so much for your overall SEO program. Moreover, make certain all of the content you have on your site is both accessible and understandable by real people, not just search engines. Finally, address your call to action on every page. Optimize them regularly to stay up to date with your promotions and sales. 

Start With Social:

Social has become an essential part of the mix for ecommerce SEO. Most UK professionals will tell you that if you aren’t already promoting your ecommerce store on social, you’ve lost customers. Some studies have found that nearly 85% of customers trust social proof as much as they any personal recommendation they might get, so make sure you not only set up your social media accounts but that you use them on a regular basis too. 

Don’t Fall Into the Duplicate Content Trap:

Nowhere is it easier to end up with duplicate content than in the world of ecommerce. Often you’re dealing with hundreds, or even thousands, of products, and it’s tough to come up with unique product descriptions for every single variation. Unfortunately, it’s a necessity that simply can’t be overlooked. If you don’t, you could find yourself with serious search engine ranking issues. There are steps you can take, though, including adding canonical tags and 301 redirects to make sure search engines understand what you’re trying to do, but often knowing what move to make can be tough. In situations like this, you may want to reach out for a little help from ecommerce SEO services. London-based companies often turn to these teams to decide both how to get the clean content they need from page to page and how to avoid any duplicate content issues. 

Think about Links:

Both internal and external links have the power to affect how search engines see your site. Internal links may be broken, displaying 404 errors. External links to your page may be of low quality or simply wrong. If you hire ecommerce SEO services in the UK, customers are going to be less likely to find linking problems, as are the search engines themselves. Linking issues simply aren’t ones you want to mess with. Instead, choose a professional team to run some link searches and see both what’s working and what’s not so you can begin attracting customers who see your site in an entirely new light. 

UK retail ecommerce sales are only going to continue to grow in popularity, and understanding what to do for your site so that you can attract more customers is absolutely essential. Your best bet is to consult with an SEO agency that specializes in ecommerce sites like yours so you can implement these tips and address any other potential problems they may find. That means that you will be taking home a much larger market share of the billions of dollars UK consumers are spending online right now. 

Author’s Bio:

Hitesh is a digital marketing strategist and entrepreneur with more than 15 years of experience in digital marketing, start-ups, branding, and customer acquisition strategies. Hitesh is the CEO and Founder of Reposition Group, which encompasses a number of companies in the digital sector including SEO.co.uk, Reposition.co.uk, and Bouncezap.com, amongst others.

Author: Dam Dhood

I write about Startups and Entrepreneurship.