The Importance of SEO to Help Grow Your Business


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an important part of any digital marketing strategy. Not only can it help your business to improve its online visibility and reach more customers but optimising your website for search engines can also increase your chances of appearing at the top of search results. This can help to drive more traffic and grow your business. 

If your business doesn’t have an SEO strategy, you could be leaving business on the table. Freelancer SEO services can help you with your SEO strategy including conducting keyword research and link building, as well as regular monitoring of your website to ensure it’s performing well and adjusting where necessary. 

By investing in SEO, you can improve your website’s ranking, drive more organic traffic, and increase conversions. Not convinced yet? In this post we’ll discuss the importance of SEO for your business and how it can help take it to the next level. 

How SEO works

SEO works by improving the visibility of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs) through a combination of technical and creative elements. While SEO changes a lot in small ways, its key principles do not. SEO can be broken down into three core elements:

  • Technical optimisation – this is the process of ensuring your website is properly structured, coded, is mobile friendly and has a quick loading speed – elements that help to improve SEO.
  • On-page optimisation – this is the process of ensuring the content on your site is relevant and includes things such as keyword research, meta and header tags, as well as content optimisation.
  • Off-page optimisation – this is the process of building credible backlinks to your website through link-building strategies. This helps to improve your site’s SEO by seeing it as a trustworthy and credible source for the topic. 

Search engines use complex algorithms to determine the relevance and credibility of a website. By optimising your website and content for these algorithms, you can improve your site’s SEO and increase its visibility. The more relevant and useful your website is for a set of keywords, the higher it will rank in SERPs.

Because search engine algorithms change regularly, SEO requires ongoing updating and monitoring, and this is why it’s so important to stay up to date with the latest SEO best practices.  

What can SEO do for your business?

Build trust with your customers

SEO helps to build trust with your customers by making it easier for them to find your website when they are searching for products or services like those offered by your business. When your website appears at the top of search engine results pages for relevant keywords and phrases, it signals to potential customers that your business is reputable and credible and suggests your website is valuable to their search.

Attracts new customers

SEO is a fantastic tool for gaining new customers as it makes it easier for them to find your business. By optimising your website for relevant keywords and phrases, you increase the chances that people searching for products or services similar to those offered by your business will find your website. This can lead to an increase in website traffic and more potential customers.

SEO is a long-term strategy that delivers valuable results. If you invest and continue to optimize your website for SEO, you’ll continue to drive traffic and attract new customers. 

Increase business revenues

One of the biggest benefits of SEO is the increased leads and sales that it can bring to your business. This happens because of your ranking on search engine results pages for relevant keywords. By appearing high-up, the rankings on SERPs, you are more likely to receive clicks and visits from potential customers. The importance of ranking on the first page is highlighted by the fact that the top listing in search results receives 33% of all search traffic. For example, targeting the keywords “Divorce lawyer in Greenwich” with a high monthly search volume can result in a high number of monthly visits to your website. While not all visits may convert to sales, it’s likely some will, making SEO a valuable asset to your business.

Build brand credibility

Ranking high on search engine results pages sends a positive signal to visitors that your website is credible. In fact, over 75% of users tend to stick to the first page of SERPs. Search engines use various on and off page signals to determine which websites to rank highly. These signals, such as content and user experience, demonstrate that your website is trustworthy and relevant to users’ queries.

Should I be implementing SEO for my business?

If you’re reading this post, you may be wondering if you should be implementing SEO for your business. You may have a tight budget or maybe you are already ranking highly for your keywords, but no matter what your situation, if you have a website for your business then you need to invest in SEO. 

SEO is important for your business’ success because it gives you the option to control it. With SEO, you can control how you rank for keywords by choosing to invest in it. The more you invest in your SEO strategy, the more it impacts the leads and sales you get, which impacts the amount of revenue you receive from online. 


SEO is a data-driven strategy to enhance your business’s digital marketing efforts and increase your site’s visibility. SEO has a number of benefits making it a worthwhile investment. Because SEO can be incredibly complex, it’s important you have the best people on the job and a skilled SEO consultant can help guide you and grow your business. 

Author: Dam Dhood

I write about Startups and Entrepreneurship.